Learn How To Trade Forex Markets | FidelisCM Blog

How To Trade The Forex Markets!

The Forex market is the most critical, and the largest global market. The Forex market bills up to $5.3 trillion in average traded value every day.

How does this benefit you?

The Forex market does not have a central marketplace where the currency trading takes place. This creates vast opportunities for traders to trade.

What are the requirements for trading in the Forex market?

a) Spreads – the lower, the better!

The spread is the variance among the BID price and the ASK price of any foreign currency pair. The reason why traders prefer low spreads is that this may double the profit chances when trading on volume.

b) ECN/ STP- trading environment.

The ECN/STP displays a situation with no dealing desk, as an outcome of this there is no third-party intervention. It is entirely a customer friendly environment as there is 100% transparency of live prices, and more importantly, all orders and expenses are visible to the customer in real time.

The ECN/ STP broker offers the customer a complete, in-depth awareness of the marketplace that’s essential in determining at what rate the currencies could be bought or sold.

Forex Trading Markets Image

c) Flexible Leverage – the higher the leverage, the more risk involved!

Leverage permits a higher purchasing power.
A dealer can deposit enormous volumes of the fund in his account and can trade with the same. As an instance, a consumer who deposits $100 and select a leverage of 1:200 plan can trade with an equity of $20,000.

d) Choice of Advanced Online Trading Platforms.

Nowadays, trading can be performed with the support of user-friendly software MT4 platform.

MT4 platforms permit customers to look at all financial instruments, different currency pairs or sessions on multiple screens. These platforms allow users to observe technical analysis, add various plug-ins, and much more which are the essential elements in facilitating FX trading.

A Final Word

In the end, with all these in order, you are ready to trade in the FX markets.

Fidelis Capital Markets wishes you a pleasant FX trading journey!

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