Copy Trade Follower FAQ | How Copy Trade Works on Trading Platform | metamarkets

Copy Trade Follower FAQ

Copy Trade Follower FAQ

Copy Trader – Follower Trading Platform Overview

Login to the Copy Trading portal. Use your Copy Trading Subscription MT4 account number and password to login and follow the Strategy Provider

Portal Link:

After entering correct MT4 Account credentials in which you want trades to be copied and fulfilling criteria like for Minimum Balance you would be able to register yourself as a successful follower of chosen Strategy Manager.

After making registration, you will see a pop up tab which surely needs your attention; you can read the same and safely press OK to proceed ahead over making necessary configuration or changes

As visible clearly after subscribing, you need to click on “Activate” the subscription so that whatever new trades are done by Strategy provider, same can be followed by your subscription too


This section actually gives an option through which you can set specific “Direction” over which you want trades to be copied like if you just want to follow Buy or Sell positions only so same can be defined at this section. You can also set Minimum or Maximum Lots which you want to be followed and filtered out during the process of copying deals.

Subscription Strategy

You can also modify Subscription Strategy under which features like Volume Scaling, Comparitive Value and Risk Ration can be defined so that at any time even if trades are being followed still the control remains in your hands. Volume Scaling comes with various options to follow which are stated as follows –

• Autoscale
• Multiply
• Fixed
• Lots Proportion

Risk Management

Subscription can also be defined on the basis of Risk Management processes like a subscriber can define Total Loss, Floating Loss, and Total Profit in USD. Also the action to be defined when certain criteria is met – either to close all trades or close profitable trades only or close unprofitable trades only

Suspend or Unsubscribe

Finally a very important thing which might be required sometime is to suspend or unsubscribe any subscription active right now. “Suspend” function is just used to temporarily pause any active subscriptions and “Unsubscribe” function will help to remove and disable the active subscription.

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