MetaMarkets - Online Trading | FX Brokerage PAMM Managers FAQ | Forex Investments

PAMM Managers FAQ

PAMM Managers FAQ

Manager’s Platform Overview

Login to the PAMM portal. Use your money manager MT4 account number and password.

Portal Link:

After login to the PAMM platform, following options shows:

  • Money Managers
  • Investments
  • Transactions
  • Requests

Money Managers

In Money Managers, it will list down all the PAMM accounts of the manager. To manage a created account, click on the Account Name.

Check Investors of the PAMM account

  • Click on the account name, whose investors you want to check.
  • In the Investors tab, it will list down all the investors of the PAMM account.


Under the Offers option, click on New Offer. All the existing offers are listed here.

To create a new offer, fill in the New Offer form. For more detail explanation of offer fields, please refer section 1.4.

Click on Save option to create an offer.


It will show all the pending and approved requests executing for the particular PAMM account. The request can be deposit, withdrawal or close account.


It will show all the transactions or settlement executed in a particular PAMM account. Transactions can be settlements at the time of rollover or balance transfer.


It will show all the investors from all the PAMM accounts of the manager.


It will show all the transactions or settlement executed in all the PAMM accounts of the manager. Transactions can be settlements at the time of rollover or the balance transfer requests.


It will show all the pending and approved requests executing for the all the PAMM account. The request can be deposit, withdrawal or close account.

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